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- From: DECWRL::"LISTSERV%AUVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU" "Revised List Processor (1.6e)" Date: 22-Dec-90 04:36 AM
- To: SKIVT::hearn
- Subject: File: "TIMECODE MIDISPEC" being sent to you
- MIDI Time Code and Cueing
- Detailed Specification
- (Supplement to MIDI 1.0)
- 12 February 1987
- Justification For MIDI Time Code and Cueing
- The merit of implementing the MIDI Time Code proposal within the current
- MIDI specification is as follows:
- SMPTE has become the de facto timing reference standard in the
- professional audio world and in almost the entire video world. SMPTE is also
- seeing more and more use in the semi-professional audio area. We hope to
- combine this universal timing reference, SMPTE, with the de facto standard
- for controlling musical equipment, MIDI.
- Encoding SMPTE over MIDI allows a person to work with one timing
- reference throughout the entire system. For example, studio engineers are
- more familiar with the idea of telling a multitrack recorder to punch in and
- out of record mode at specific SMPTE times, as opposed to a specific beat in a
- specific bar. To force a musician or studio engineer to convert back and
- forth between a SMPTE time and a specific bar number is tedious and should not
- be necessary (one would have to take into account tempo and tempo changes,
- etc.).
- Also, some operations are referenced only as SMPTE times, as opposed to
- beats in a bar. For example, creating audio and sound effects for video
- requires that certain sounds and sequences be played at specific SMPTE times.
- There is no other easy way to do this with Song Position Pointers, etc., and
- even if there was, it would be an unnatural way for a video or recording
- engineer to work.
- MIDI Time Code is an absolute timing reference, whereas MIDI Clock and
- Song Position Pointer are relative timing references. In virtually all audio
- for film/video work, SMPTE is already being used as the main time base, and
- any musical passages which need to be recorded are usually done by getting a
- MIDI-based sequencer to start at a pre-determined SMPTE time code. In most
- cases, though, it is SMPTE which is the Master timing reference being used.
- In order for MIDI-based devices to operate on an absolute time code which is
- independent of tempo, MIDI Time Code must be used. Existing devices merely
- translate SMPTE into MIDI Clocks and Song Position Pointers based upon a given
- tempo. This is not absolute time, but relative time, and all of the SMPTE cue
- points will change if the tempo changes. The majority of sound effects work
- for film and video does not involve musical passages with tempos, rather it
- involves individual sound effect "events" which must occur at specific,
- absolute times, not relative to any "tempo".
- MIDI Time Code System Components
- SMPTE to MTC Converter
- This box would either convert longitudinal (audio-type) or vertical
- (video-type) SMPTE time code from a master timing device into MTC. The
- function could be integrated into video tape recorders (VTRs) or
- syncronization units that control audio tape recorders (ATRs). Alternately, a
- stand-alone box would do the conversion, or simply generate MTC directly.
- Note that conversion from MTC to SMPTE time code is not envisioned, as it is
- of little practical value.
- Cue List Manager
- This would be a device or computer program that would maintain a cue list
- of desired events, and send the list to the slaves. For performance, the
- manager might pass the Time Code from the SMPTE-MTC converter through to the
- slaves, or, in a stand-alone system it might generate Time Code itself. This
- "central controller" would presumably also contain all library functions for
- downloading sound programs, samples, sequences, patterns, and so on, to the
- slaves. A Cue List Manager would pre-load intelligent MTC peripherals (see
- below) with this data.
- MTC Sequencer
- To control existing equipment or any device which does not recognize MTC
- in an MTC system, this device would be needed. It would receive the cue list
- from the manager, and convert the cues into normal MIDI commands. At the
- specified SMPTE times, the sequencer would then send the MIDI commands to the
- specific devices. For example, for existing MIDI equipment it might provide
- MIDI messages such as Note On, Note Off, Song Select, Start, Stop, Program
- Changes, etc. Non-MIDI equipment (such as CD players, mixing consoles,
- lighting, sound effects cartridge units and ATRs) may also be controlled if
- such a device had relay controls.
- Intelligent MTC Peripheral
- In this category belong devices capable of receiving an MTC Cue List from
- the manager, and triggering themselves appropriately when the correct Time
- Code (SMPTE or MIDI) has been received. Above this minimum, the device might
- be able to change its programming in response to the Cue List, or prepare
- itself for ensuing events.
- For example, an intelligent MTC-equipped analog multitrack tape machine
- might read in a list of punch in/punch out cues from the Cue List Manager, and
- then alter then to internally compensate for its bias current rise and fall
- times. A sampling-based sound effects device might preload samples from its
- own disk drive into a RAM buffer, in anticipation of needing them for cues
- later on in the cue list.
- It should be mentioned that while these functions are separately
- described, actual devices may incorporate a mixture of these functions, suited
- to specific applications in their market.
- A MIDI Time Code System
- The MIDI Time Code format contains two parts: Time Code and Set Up. Time
- Code is relatively straightforward: hours, minutes, seconds and frame numbers
- (approximately 1/30 of a second) are encoded and distributed throughout the
- MIDI system so that all the units know exactly what time it is.
- Set Up, however, is where MTC gains its power. It is a format for
- informing MIDI devices of events to be performed at specific times.
- Ultimately, this aspect of MTC will lead to the creation of an entirely new
- class of production equipment. Before getting into the nuts and bolts of the
- spec itself, let's talk about some of the uses and features of forthcoming
- devices that have been envisioned.
- Set Up begins with the concept of a cue list. In video editing, for
- example, it is customary to transfer the video master source tapes, which may
- be on expensive, two-inch recorders, to less-expensive recorders. The editing
- team then works over this copy, making a list of all the segments that they
- want to piece together as they are defined by their SMPTE times.
- For example, the first scene starts at time A and ends at time B, the
- next scene starts at time C and ends at time D. A third scene may even lie
- between the first two. When done, they feed this cue list time information
- into the editing system of the master recorder(s) or just give the cue list to
- an editor who does the work manually. The editing system or editor then
- locates the desired segments and assembles them in the proper sequence.
- Now suppose that instead of one or two video recorders, we have twenty
- devices that will play a part in our audio/video or film production: special
- effects generators for fades and superimpositions, additional decks with
- background scenery, live cameras, MIDI sequencers, drum machines,
- synthesizers, samplers, DDLs, soundtrack decks, CDs, effects devices, and so
- on. As it stands now, each of these devices must be handled more or less
- separately, with painstaking and time-consuming assembly editing or multitrack
- overdubs. And when a change in the program occurs (which always happens),
- anywhere from just a few items to the whole system may need to be reprogrammed
- by hand.
- This is where MIDI Time Code comes in. It can potentially control all of
- these individual production elements so that they function together from a
- single cue list. The master controller which would handle this function is
- described as a Cue List Manager. On such a console, you would list what you
- want each device to do, and when to do it. The manager would then send the cue
- list to the various machines via the MTC Set Up protocol. Each unit would then
- react as programmed when the designated MIDI Time Code (or conventional SMPTE
- Time Code) appears. Changes? No problem. Simply edit the cue list using simple
- word-processing functions, then run the tape again.
- MTC thus integrates into a manageable system all of the diverse tools at
- our disposal. It would drastically reduce the time, money and frustration
- needed to produce a film or video.
- Having covered the basic aspects of a MIDI Time Code system, as well as
- examples of how an overall system might function, we will now take a look at
- the actual MIDI specification itself.
- MIDI Time Code
- For device synchronization, MIDI Time Code uses two basic types of
- messages, described as Quarter Frame and Full. There is also a third, optional
- message for encoding SMPTE user bits.
- Quarter Frame Messages
- Quarter Frame messages are used only while the system is running. They
- are rather like the PPQN or MIDI clocks to which we are accustomed. But there
- are several important ways in which Quarter Frame messages differ from the
- other systems.
- As their name implies, they have fine resolution. If we assume 30 frames
- per second, there will be 120 Quarter Frame messages per second. This
- corresponds to a maximum latency of 8.3 milliseconds (at 30 frames per
- second), with accuracy greater than this possible within the specific device
- (which may interpolate inbetween quarter frames to "bit" resolution). Quarter
- Frame messages serve a dual purpose: besides providing the basic timing pulse
- for the system, each message contains a unique nibble (four bits) defining a
- digit of a specific field of the current SMPTE time.
- Quarter frames messages should be thought of as groups of eight messages.
- One of these groups encodes the SMPTE time in hours, minutes, seconds, and
- frames. Since it takes eight quarter frames for a complete time code message,
- the complete SMPTE time is updated every two frames. Each quarter frame
- message contains two bytes. The first byte is F1, the Quarter Frame System
- Common byte. The second byte contains a nibble that represents the message
- number (0 through 7), and a nibble for one of the digits of a time field
- (hours, minutes, seconds or frames).
- Quarter Frame Messages (2 bytes):
- F1 <message>
- F1 = Currently unused and undefined System Common status byte
- <message> = 0nnn dddd
- dddd = 4 bits of binary data for this Message Type
- nnn = Message Type:
- 0 = Frame count LS nibble
- 1 = Frame count MS nibble
- 2 = Seconds count LS nibble
- 3 = Seconds count MS nibble
- 4 = Minutes count LS nibble
- 5 = Minutes count MS nibble
- 6 = Hours count LS nibble
- 7 = Hours count MS nibble and SMPTE Type
- After both the MS nibble and the LS nibble of the above counts are
- assembled, their bit fields are assigned as follows:
- FRAME COUNT: xxx yyyyy
- xxx = undefined and reserved for future use. Transmitter
- must set these bits to 0 and receiver should ignore!
- yyyyy = Frame number (0-29)
- SECONDS COUNT: xx yyyyyy
- xx = undefined and reserved for future use. Transmitter
- must set these bits to 0 and receiver should ignore!
- yyyyyy = Seconds Count (0-59)
- MINUTES COUNT: xx yyyyyy
- xx = undefined and reserved for future use. Transmitter
- must set these bits to 0 and receiver should ignore!
- yyyyyy = Minutes Count (0-59)
- HOURS COUNT: x yy zzzzz
- x = undefined and reserved for future use. Transmitter
- must set this bit to 0 and receiver should ignore!
- yy = Time Code Type:
- 0 = 24 Frames/Second
- 1 = 25 Frames/Second
- 2 = 30 Frames/Second (Drop-Frame)
- 3 = 30 Frames/Second (Non-Drop)
- zzzzz = Hours Count (0-23)
- Quarter Frame Message Implementation
- When time code is running in the forward direction, the device producing
- the MIDI Time Code will send Quarter Frame messages at quarter frame intervals
- in the following order:
- F1 0X
- F1 1X
- F1 2X
- F1 3X
- F1 4X
- F1 5X
- F1 6X
- F1 7X
- after which the sequence repeats itself, at a rate of one complete 8-message
- sequence every 2 frames (8 quarter frames). When time code is running in
- reverse, the quarter frame messages are sent in reverse order, starting with
- F1 7X and ending with F1 0X. Again, at least 8 quarter frame messages must be
- sent. The arrival of the F1 0X and F1 4X messages always denote frame
- boundaries.
- Since 8 quarter frame messages are required to definitely establish the
- actual SMPTE time, timing lock cannot be achieved until the reader has read a
- full sequence of 8 messages, from first message to last. This will take from
- 2 to 4 frames to do, depending on when the reader comes on line.
- During fast forward, rewind or shuttle modes, the time code generator
- should stop sending quarter frame messages, and just send a Full Message once
- the final destination has been reached. The generator can then pause for any
- devices to shuttle to that point, and resume by sending quarter frame messages
- when play mode is resumed. Time is considered to be "running" upon receipt of
- the first quarter frame message after a Full Message.
- Do not send quarter frame messages continuously in a shuttle mode at high
- speed, since this unnecessarily clogs the MIDI data lines. If you must
- periodically update a device's time code during a long shuttle, then send a
- Full Message every so often.
- The quarter frame message F1 0X (Frame Count LS nibble) must be sent on a
- frame boundary. The frame number indicated by the frame count is the number
- of the frame which starts on that boundary. This follows the same convention
- as normal SMPTE longitudinal time code, where bit 00 of the 80-bit message
- arrives at the precise time that the frame it represents is actually starting.
- The SMPTE time will be incremented by 2 frames for each 8-message sequence,
- since an 8-message sequence will take 2 frames to send.
- Another way to look at it is: When the last quarter frame message (F1
- 7X) arrives and the time can be fully assembled, the information is now
- actually 2 frames old. A receiver of this time must keep an internal offset
- of +2 frames for displaying. This may seem unusual, but it is the way normal
- SMPTE is received and also makes backing up (running time code backwards) less
- confusing - when receiving the 8 quarter frame messages backwards, the F1 0X
- message still falls on the boundary of the frame it represents.
- Each quarter frame message number (0->7) indicates which of the 8 quarter
- frames of the 2-frame sequence we are on. For example, message 0 (F1 0X)
- indicates quarter frame 0 of frame #1 in the sequence, and message 4 (F1 4X)
- indicates quarter frame 1 of frame #2 in the sequence. If a reader receives
- these message numbers in descending sequence, then it knows that time code is
- being sent in the reverse direction. Also, a reader can come on line at any
- time and know exactly where it is in relation to the 2-frame sequence, down to
- a quarter frame accuracy.
- It is the responsibility of the time code reader to insure that MTC is
- being properly interpreted. This requires waiting a sufficient amount of time
- in order to achieve time code lock, and maintaining that lock until
- synchronization is dropped. Although each passing quarter frame message could
- be interpreted as a relative quarter frame count, the time code reader should
- always verify the actual complete time code after every 8-message sequence (2
- frames) in order to guarantee a proper lock.
- For example, let's assume the time is 01:37:52:16 (30 frames per second,
- non-drop). Since the time is sent from least to most significant digit, the
- first two Quarter Frame messages will contain the data 16 (frames), the second
- two will contain the data 52 (seconds), the third two will represent 37
- (minutes), and the final two encode the 1 (hours and SMPTE Type). The Quarter
- Frame Messages description defines how the binary data for each time field is
- spread across two nibbles. This scheme (as opposed to simple BCD) leaves some
- extra bits for encoding the SMPTE type (and for future use).
- Now, let's convert our example time of 01:37:52:16 into Quarter Frame
- format, putting in the correct hexadecimal conversions:
- F1 00
- F1 11 10H = 16 decimal
- F1 24
- F1 33 34H = 52 decimal
- F1 45
- F1 52 25H = 37 decimal
- F1 61
- F1 76 01H = 01 decimal (SMPTE Type is 30 frames/non-drop)
- (note: the value transmitted is "6" because the SMPTE Type (11 binary) is
- encoded in bits 5 and 6)
- For SMPTE Types of 24, 30 drop frame, and 30 non-drop frame, the frame
- number will always be even. For SMPTE Type of 25, the frame number may be
- even or odd, depending on which frame number the 8-message sequence had
- started. In this case, you can see where the MIDI Time Code frame number
- would alternate between even and odd every second.
- MIDI Time Code will take a very small percentage of the MIDI bandwidth.
- The fastest SMPTE time rate is 30 frames per second. The specification is to
- send 4 messages per frame - in other words, a 2-byte message (640
- microseconds) every 8.333 milliseconds. This takes 7.68 % of the MIDI
- bandwidth - a reasonably small amount. Also, in the typical MIDI Time Code
- systems we have imagined, it would be rare that normal MIDI and MIDI Time Code
- would share the same MIDI bus at the same time.
- Full Message
- Quarter Frame messages handle the basic running work of the system. But
- they are not suitable for use when equipment needs to be fast-forwarded or
- rewound, located or cued to a specific time, as sending them continuously at
- accelerated speeds would unnecessarily clog up or outrun the MIDI data lines.
- For these cases, Full Messages are used, which encode the complete time into a
- single message. After sending a Full Message, the time code generator can
- pause for any mechanical devices to shuttle (or "autolocate") to that point,
- and then resume running by sending quarter frame messages.
- Full Message - (10 bytes)
- F0 7F <chan> 01 <sub-ID 2> hr mn sc fr F7
- F0 7F = Real Time Universal System Exclusive Header
- <chan> = 7F (message intended for entire system)
- 01 = <sub-ID 1>, 'MIDI Time Code'
- <sub-ID 2> = 01, Full Time Code Message
- hr = hours and type: 0 yy zzzzz
- yy = type:
- 00 = 24 Frames/Second
- 01 = 25 Frames/Second
- 10 = 30 Frames/Second (drop frame)
- 11 = 30 Frames/Second (non-drop frame)
- zzzzz = Hours (00->23)
- mn = Minutes (00->59)
- sc = Seconds (00->59)
- fr = Frames (00->29)
- F7 = EOX
- Time is considered to be "running" upon receipt of the first Quarter
- Frame message after a Full Message.
- User Bits
- "User Bits" are 32 bits provided by SMPTE for special functions which
- vary with the application, and which can be programmed only from equipment
- especially designed for this purpose. Up to four characters or eight digits
- can be written. Examples of use are adding a date code or reel number to the
- tape. The User Bits tend not to change throughout a run of time code.
- User Bits Message - (15 bytes)
- F0 7F <chan> 01 <sub-ID 2> u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 u8 u9 F7
- F0 7F = Real Time Universal System Exclusive Header
- <chan> = 7F (message intended for entire system)
- 01 = <sub-ID 1>, MIDI TIme Code
- <sub-id 2> = 02, User Bits Message
- u1 = 0000aaaa
- u2 = 0000bbbb
- u3 = 0000cccc
- u4 = 0000dddd
- u5 = 0000eeee
- u6 = 0000ffff
- u7 = 0000gggg
- u8 = 0000hhhh
- u9 = 000000ii
- F7 = EOX
- These nibble fields decode in an 8-bit format: aaaabbbb ccccdddd
- eeeeffff gggghhhh ii. It forms 4 8-bit characters, and a 2 bit Format Code.
- u1 through u8 correspond to SMPTE Binary Groups 1 through 8. u9 are the two
- Binary Group Flag Bits, as defined by SMPTE.
- This message can be sent whenever the User Bits values must be
- transferred to any devices down the line. Note that the User Bits Message may
- be sent by the MIDI Time Code Converter at any time. It is not sensitive to
- any mode.
- MIDI Cueing
- MIDI Cueing uses Set-Up Messages to address individual units in a system.
- (A "unit" can be be a multitrack tape deck, a VTR, a special effects
- generator, MIDI sequencer, etc.)
- Of 128 possible event types, 19 are currently defined.
- Set-Up Messages (13 bytes plus any additional information):
- F0 7E <chan> 04 <sub-ID 2> hr mn sc fr ff sl sm <add. info> F7
- F0 7E = Non-Real Time Universal System Exclusive Header
- <chan> = Channel number
- 04 = <sub-ID 1>, MIDI Time Code
- <sub-ID 2> = Set-Up Type
- 00 = Special
- 01 = Punch In points
- 02 = Punch Out points
- 03 = Delete Punch In point
- 04 = Delete Punch Out point
- 05 = Event Start points
- 06 = Event Stop points
- 07 = Event Start points with additional info.
- 08 = Event Stop points with additional info.
- 09 = Delete Event Start point
- 0A = Delete Event Stop point
- 0B = Cue points
- 0C = Cue points with additional info
- 0D = Delete Cue point
- 0E = Event Name in additional info
- hr = hours and type: 0 yy zzzzz
- yy = type:
- 00 = 24 Frames/Second
- 01 = 25 Frames/Second
- 10 = 30 Frames/Second drop frame
- 11 = 30 Frames/Second non-drop frame
- zzzzz = Hours (00-23)
- mn = Minutes (00-59)
- sc = Seconds (00-59)
- fr = Frames (00-29)
- ff = Fractional Frames (00-99)
- sl, sm = Event Number (LSB first)
- <add. info.>
- F7 = EOX
- Description of Set-Up Types:
- 00 Special refers to the set-up information that affects a unit
- globally (as opposed to individual tracks, sounds, programs,
- sequences, etc.). In this case, the Special Type takes the
- place of the Event Number. Five are defined. Note that types
- 01 00 through 04 00 ignore the event time field.
- 00 00 Time Code Offset refers to a relative Time Code offset for
- each unit. For example, a piece of video and a piece of music that are
- supposed to go together may be created at different times, and more than
- likely have different absolute time code positions - therefore, one must be
- offset from the other so that they will match up. Just like there is one
- master time code for an entire system, each unit only
- needs one offset value per unit.
- 01 00 Enable Event List means for a unit to enable execution of
- events in its list if the appropriate MTC or SMPTE time occurs.
- 02 00 Disable Event List means for a unit to disable execution
- of its event list but not to erase it. This facilitates an MTC Event Manager
- in muting particular devices in order to concentrate on others in a complex
- system where many events occur simultaneously.
- 03 00 Clear Event List means for a unit to erase its entire
- event list.
- 04 00 System Stop refers to a time when the unit may shut down.
- This serves as a protection against Event Starts without matching Event Stops,
- tape machines running past the end of the reel, and so on.
- 05 00 Event List Request is sent by a master to an MTC
- peripheral. If the device ID (Channel Number) matches that of the peripheral,
- the peripheral responds by transmitting its entire cue list as a sequence of
- Set Up Messages, starting from the SMPTE time indicated in the Event List
- Request message.
- 01/02 Punch In and Punch Out refer to the enabling and disabling of
- record mode on a unit. The Event Number refers to the track to be recorded.
- Multiple punch in/punch out points (and any of the other event types below)
- may be specified by sending multiple Set-Up messages with different times.
- 03/04 Delete Punch In or Out deletes the matching point (time and
- event number) from the Cue List.
- 05/06 Event Start and Stop refer to the running or playback of an
- event, and imply that a large sequence of events or a continuous event is to
- be started or stopped. The event number refers to which event on the targeted
- slave is to be played. A single event (ie. playback of a specific sample, a
- fader movement on an automated console, etc.) may occur several times
- throughout a given list of cues. These events will be represented by the same
- event number, with different Start and Stop times.
- 07/08 Event Start and Stop with Additional Information refer to an
- event (as above) with additional parameters transmitted in the Set Up message
- between the Time and EOX. The additional parameters may take the form of an
- effects unit's internal parameters, the volume level of a sound effect, etc.
- See below for a description of additional information.
- 09/0A Delete Event Start/Stop means to delete the matching (event
- number and time) event (with or without additional information) from the Cue
- List.
- 0B Cue Point refers to individual event occurences, such as
- marking "hit" points for sound effects, reference points for editing, and so
- on. Each Cue number may be assigned to a specific reaction, such as a
- specific one-shot sound event (as opposed to a continuous event, which is
- handled by Start/Stop). A single cue may occur several times throughout a
- given list of cues. These events will be represented by the same event
- number, with different Start and Stop times.
- 0C Cue Point with Additional Information is exactly like Event
- Start/Stop with Additional Information, except that the event represents a Cue
- Point rather than a Start/Stop Point.
- 0D Delete Cue Point means to Delete the matching (event number
- and time) Cue Event with or without additional information from the Cue List.
- 0E Event Name in Additional Information. This merely assigns a
- name to a given event number. It is for human logging purposes. See
- Additional Information description.
- Event Time
- This is the SMPTE/MIDI Time Code time at which the given event is
- supposed to occur. Actual time is in 1/100th frame resoultion, for those
- units capable of handling bits or some other form of sub-frame resolution, and
- should otherwise be self-explanatory.
- Event Number
- This is a fourteen-bit value, enabling 16,384 of each of the above types
- to be individually addressed. "sl" is the 7 LS bits, and "sm" is the 7 MS
- bits.
- Additional Information description
- Additional information consists of a nibblized MIDI data stream, LS
- nibble first. The exception is Set-Up Type OE, where the additional
- information is nibblized ASCII, LS nibble first. An ASCII newline is
- accomplished by sending CR and LF in the ASCII. CR alone functions solely as a
- carriage return, and LF alone functions solely as a Line-Feed.
- For example, a MIDI Note On message such as 91 46 7F would be nibblized
- and sent as 01 09 06 04 0F 07. In this way, any device can decode any
- message regardless of who it was intended for. Device-specific messages
- should be sent as nibblized MIDI System Exclusive messages.
- Potential Problems
- There is a possible problem with MIDI merger boxes improperly handling
- the F1 message, since they do not currently know how many bytes are
- following. However, in typical MIDI Time Code systems, we do not anticipate
- applications where the MIDI Time Code must be merged with other MIDI signals
- occuring at the same time.
- Please note that there is plenty of room for additional set-up types,
- etc., to cover unanticipated situations and configurations.
- It is recommended that each MTC peripheral power up with its MIDI
- Manufacturer's System Exclusive ID number as its default channel/device ID.
- Obviously, it would be preferable to allow the user to change this number from
- the device's front panel, so that several peripherals from the same
- manufacturer may have unique IDs within the same MTC system.
- Signal Path Summary
- Data sent between the Master Time Code Source (which may be, for example,
- a Multitrack Tape Deck with a SMPTE Synchronizer) and the MIDI Time Code
- Converter is always SMPTE Time Code.
- Data sent from the MIDI Time Code Converter to the Master Control/Cue
- Sheet (note that this may be a MTC-equipped tape deck or mixing console as
- well as a cue-sheet) is always MIDI Time Code. The specific MIDI Time Code
- messages which are used depend on the current operating mode, as explained
- below:
- Play Mode: The Master Time Code Source (tape deck) is in normal PLAY
- MODE at normal or vari-speed rates. The MIDI Time Code
- Converter is transmitting Quarter Frame ("F1") messages to
- the Master Control/Cue Sheet. The frame messages are in
- ASCENDING order, starting with "F1 0X" and ending with "F1
- 7X". If the tape machine is capable of play mode in REVERSE,
- then the frame messages will be transmitted in REVERSE
- sequence, starting with "F1 7X" and ending with "F1 0X".
- Cue Mode: The Master Time Code Source is being "rocked", or "cued" by
- hand. The tape is still contacting the playback head so
- that the listener can cue, or preview the contents of the
- tape slowly. The MIDI Time Code Converter is transmitting
- FRAME ("F1") messages to the Master Control/Cue Sheet. If
- the tape is being played in the FORWARD direction, the frame
- messages are sent in ASCENDING order, starting with "F1 0X"
- and ending with "F1 7X". If the tape machine is played in
- the REVERSE direction, then the frame messages will be
- transmitted in REVERSE sequence, starting with "F1 7X" and
- ending with "F1 0X".
- Because the tape is being moved by hand in Cue Mode, the
- tape direction can change quickly and often. The order of
- the Frame Message sequence must change along with the tape
- direction.
- Fast-Forward/Rewind Mode: In this mode, the tape is in a
- high-speed wind or rewind, and is not touching the playback
- head. No "cueing" of the taped material is going on. Since
- this is a "search" mode, synchronization of the Master
- Control/Cue Sheet is not as important as in the Play or Cue
- Mode. Thus, in this mode, the MIDI Time Code Converter only
- needs to send a "Full Message" every so often to the Cue
- Sheet. This acts as a rough indicator of the Master's
- position. The SMPTE time indicated by the "Full Message"
- actually takes effect upon the reception of the next "F1"
- quarter frame message (when "Play Mode" has resumed).
- Shuttle Mode: This is just another expression for "Fast-Forward/Rewind
- Mode".
- References and Credits
- SMPTE 12M (ANSI V98.12M-1981).
- MIDI Time Code specification created by Chris Meyer and Evan Brooks of
- Digidesign. Thanks to Stanley Jungleib of Sequential for additional text.
- Also many thanks to all of the MMA and JMSC members for their suggestions and
- contributions to the spec.
- z MAILER UHCCUX 4/07/89
- 'lee@uhccux eharnden@auvm 4/07/89 miditime.doc
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